(918) 742-3364
Why does Monte Cassino Fundraise?
Monte Cassino School was founded by the Benedictine Sisters of the Saint Joseph Monastery. The values that helped steer their vision include Seeking God, Prayer, Service, Community, Simplicity & Balance of Life, Stewardship of God’s Creation, Hospitality and Love of Learning.

It is the bedrock of these values for a Monte education to be accessible for a wide range of students and families. We fundraise to keep our tuition at an attainable rate.  Tuition makes up approximately 95% of annual budgets and the remaining 5% comes from annual fundraising in the form of three components:
  • Monte Cassino Fund – previously referred to as the Annual Fund, this initiative is supported by mission-driven gifts with no goods and services provided in exchange for the donation.  Full tax-deduction provided for entire donation amount.
  • Signature Events – Octoberfest and Brick by Brick. Tax receipt will include the amount of the donation less goods and services provided, such as meals, t-shirts, giveaway items.
  • “Mini-Raisers” and Community Activities such as book fairs, Bingo, Monte Parents' Night Out, Monte on the Green and Pop Up Parties.
Questions about giving to Monte Cassino? Contact Joan Anderson, janderson@montecassino.org or 918-746-4120.
Questions about events at Monte Cassino? Contact BJ Weintraub, bweintraub@montecassino.org or 918-746-4124