Monte Cassino is so proud of our long history of alumni.
Our bonds are stronger than ever and remain well beyond graduation as we continue to welcome new generations of Saints to our beautiful campus
We are pleased to introduce the MONTE CASSINO ALUMNI PROGRAM. Our team is excited to cultivate relationships with thousands of MC alumni around the world. Keep an eye out for information about alumni events and more ways to get involved and stay connected.
We are looking forward to hearing from you! If you would like to help strengthen the Monte Cassino Alumni Program, please reach out to Joan Anderson to volunteer to develop class captains and plan fun events!
Share your life updates with your fellow Saints! Send us career news and other updates such as marriages, births, grandchild announcements, etc. We’ll share in upcoming Alumni newsletters. Click the Alumni Program link below to share your info.
Share your life updates with your fellow Saints! Send your news about marriages, births, career changes, grandchild announcements, etc. We’ll share in upcoming Alumni newsletters. Click the Alumni Program link below to share your info.
Join us as we showcase our Monte Cassino Saints - past, present and future!
Hear from our Leadership Team and dive deeper into the history of Monte Cassino.
Volunteer information will be available. (Opportunities to get involved, how to sign up, etc.)
AND we have a few special student surprises from the ECLC, Elementary School and Middle School!
Senior and Alumni Night
Thursday, May 8, 2025 4pm at Middle School North Lawn Class of 2025 high school graduates return to Monte Cassino to celebrate their graduation at this informal mixer. All 2025 high school graduates who attended Monte Cassino are welcome to reconnect with classmates, walk the halls and reminisce.
Alumni Brunch - Friday, October 10, 2025. Save the Date! More information will be sent in the fall!
Give to the Monte Cassino Fund
We are continuing our annual Monte Cassino Fund campaign to raise unrestricted funds for Monte Cassino. These donations help us narrow the difference between tuition and the cost of a Monte Cassino education. This fund also allows the school to address needs as they arise. Most recently, the Monte Cassino Fund supported:
Security improvements including a fence along Lewis Ave., hiring a security director, new reinforced doors
Renovations to campus dining halls and bringing in a new food service provider
New HVAC units
Elementary School drainage improvements
ECLC shade canopies
New campus signage and landscaping
Donate to the Monte Cassino Fund to support the Monte Cassino mission. Through your generosity today we will continue to prepare the next century of Saints. Gifts of all types and sizes make a difference!
We are preparing for our Centennial and need your help!
As you know, Monte Cassino was founded by the Benedictine Sisters in 1926. Our Centennial will be recognized in the 2026-2027 school year and we look forward to celebrating with you!
Preparations are just beginning and we are starting to collect memorabilia - pictures, uniforms, etc... If you can contribute to this collection, drop them off on campus at any main building office. We’ll be sure to return them after the celebrations.
For questions and additional information about the Alumni Program, please contact: Joan Anderson - Director of Development (918) 746-4120 or
Monte Cassino School is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All sponsorships and donations are fully tax deductible to the extent provided by law.